Sunday, January 30, 2011

Rachel 3

1. Sometimes to understand other people you must understand yourself first.

2. Writing is good. But my original idea to write in scripture format has proved, through this experience, to be much harder than I expected. I could just put a number in front of each paragraph but somehow it just isn't the same. Please do realize that some of these "verses," if you will, are not my words but rather those of people famous for reasons I don't care to know. Maybe he/she is was the last to escape from Azkaban and that is why he/she is famous. Respectable reason, I must admit. I'm a tad jealous at that fact. But let's all be honest here, you are too.

3. Anyways. Sunday is today and today is Sunday. That means nap time.

4. It's a weird feeling when the hypothetical is no longer just a dream. It's actually going to happen now.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rachel 2

1. Thou shalt tell thy secrets and the secrets of thy brother to no man.

2. It is always better to say nothing than to make yourself look stupid by talking.

3. Silence is the music of the easily annoyed.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Rachel 1

1. Eat, sleep, and be merry for tomorrow we die.

2. The early bird catches the worm but leftovers are just as good.

3. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. But why bother if we have heavy narcotics, credit cards, and Google?

4. Of course, I've come to realize that those are false and my parents were and are always correct. Homework before socializing. Homework before eating. Goodness, homework before Facebook. Just early enough that I can go to bed before eleven o'clock. No more headaches, no more need for naps, no more awful assignments sloppily done at two in the morning with assistance from a can of Dr. Pepper and last semester's essay.

5. Oh, and perhaps learning is much easier and more enjoyable when roommates can't be heard downstairs watching the latest and greatest How I Met Your Mother or playing Halo Reach. Invest in some earplugs.  

6. And don't ever forget to pay the gravity bill.